PhD Student (MSc)

Vacancy: PhD student (MSc) kidney research

We are offering a position as PhD-student in a project on chronic kidney disease. This PhD project will focus on two topics: (1) studying how “tubuloids” (organoids differentiated to tubular epithelial cells) respond to urine samples from patients with chronic kidney disease and (2) large-scale proteomic analysis of urinary extracellular vesicles to identify novel biomarkers for chronic kidney disease. This PhD will be part of an ERC Consolidator grant project for which also another PhD student, postdoc, technician and research nurse will be recruited. In addition to the studies in the PhD project, you will have the opportunity to attend in-depth courses within and outside Erasmus MC. In addition, you will present your research data at (international) conferences and publish your data in scientific journals.

·         Completed Master of Science in one of the life sciences

·         Ability to operate independently as well as perform teamwork

·         Experience in wet lab research is recommended (preferably in organoids and/or proteomics)

What we offer
The contract will be for 4 years. Employment conditions are according to the CAO Universitair Medische Centra (UMC). This includes amongst others an 8.3% year-end bonus, individual travel budget and study possibilities.

Intended start date: 1 June 2024.

Closing date vacancy: 1 April 2024.

Are you interested in this position and would you like to make an important contribution to kidney research? Submit your CV and motivation letter to

PhD Student (registered MD)

Vacature: arts-onderzoeker chronische nierschade

Wij zoeken een arts-onderzoeker voor een promotietraject naar chronische nierschade. Dit promotie-onderzoek zal bestaan uit twee diagnostische trials: (1) naar nieuwe urine biomarkers (o.a. in ‘urinary extracellular vesicles’) en (2)  tubulaire functietesten bij patiënten met chronische nierschade. In deze rol ben je verantwoordelijk voor het opzetten, coördineren en uitvoeren van deze studies. Dit promotietraject is onderdeel van een groter project n.a.v. een ERC Consolidator grant waaraan ook een postdoc, 2e promovendus, analist en onderzoeksverpleegkundige zullen werken. Je krijgt de kans om zowel binnen als buiten het Erasmus MC aanvullende verdiepende cursussen te volgen. Daarnaast presenteer je jouw onderzoeksresultaten op (internationale) congressen en publiceer je in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften.  

·         Afgeronde masteropleiding Geneeskunde

·         Affiniteit met translationeel onderzoek

·         Ervaring als ANIOS of AIOS strekt tot de aanbeveling

·         Uitstekend organisatorisch vermogen

·         Zowel zelfstandig als in teamverband kunnen werken

Wat wij bieden
Het contract is voor een periode van 4 jaar. De arbeidsvoorwaarden zijn conform de CAO Universitair Medische Centra (UMC). Hierbij worden onder andere een eindejaarsuitkering van 8,3%, een individueel reiskostenbudget en studiemogelijkheden aangeboden.

Beoogde startdatum: 1-6-2024.
Sluitingsdatum vacature: 1-4-2024.

Heb je interesse in deze uitdagende functie en wil je bijdragen aan belangrijk onderzoek naar chronische nierschade? Stuur dan jouw CV en motivatiebrief naar

Postdoc (MSc-PhD)

Vacancy: Postdoc (MSc-PhD) in kidney research

We are offering a 5-year position for a postdoctoral researcher in kidney research. This position is part of an ERC Consolidator Grant for which also two PhD students, a technician and research nurse will be recruited. The aim of the ERC Consolidator Grant is to identify novel urinary biomarkers for the progression of chronic kidney disease. This will be investigated both in model systems in the lab and in two diagnostic clinical trials. The lab work will be done in “tubuloids” (organoids differentiated to tubular epithelial cells) and in urinary extracellular vesicles. The diagnostic trials will be performed in patients with chronic kidney disease. Your role will be to coordinate these studies together with the PI as well as perform hands-on research together with the PhD students. We expect this postdoc to be the ideal stepping stone towards the development of an independent research career. You will be embedded in the Rotterdam Kidney Lab (

·         Completed MSc and PhD in one of the life sciences

·         Experience in wet lab research, preferably organoids, proteomics, bioinformatics and/or urinary extracellular vesicles

·         Affinity with translational research

·         Affinity and ability to supervise PhD students and technicians.

What we offer
The contract will be for 5 years. Employment conditions are according the CAO Universitair Medische Centra (UMC). This includes amongst others an 8.3% year-end bonus, individual travel budget and study possibilities.

Intended start date: 1 June 2024.
Closing date vacancy: 1 April 2024.

Are you interested in this position and would you like to make an important contribution to kidney research? Submit your CV and motivation letter to